Monday, March 28, 2016

Not just Diamonds and Gold

Whoever said that all that shines is diamonds and gold never saw the Mediterranean Mermaid in person. I have completed most of the Kreinik metallic thread. I ran out of the lighter green and need to run by the LNS to get more. So far she is only stitched in Kreinik I have not put any DMC or beads in to her tail. She is stitching fairly fast now so hopefully I will be finished soon and can start something on the new fabrics I received. Now I have fabric for four designs.

Speaking of new fabrics I got my package from Chromatic Alchemy. It felt like for ever to get in, even though it was only two weeks. Definitely will be ordering more fabric from them. Worth the wait to come from Europe. Now I really can't decide which one to do next. Might have to toss a coin or let one of the kids pick.

Frost (aida)
Mermaids of the Deep Blue by Mirabilia
Going to change mermaid colors

Antares (aida)
Peacock by Alessandra Adelaide Needleworks

Quiescence (aida)
Queen Mariposa by Mirabilia

Monday, March 21, 2016

Finished Skin Mediterranean Mermaid

I didn't get a whole lot of stitching done on Mirabilia Mediterranean Mermaid while the kids were on spring break last week. Go figure. I did manage to sneak in a few minutes here and there and finished her skin and hair. Also, managed to take a good picture of her and the fabric too.
She is stitched on 14 count Zweigart Frenzy.
I am hoping this week to get the file up on my conversion page for this project.

The hair has the dreaded 2 strand blend in it. (You know where you take one strand of one color and one strand of another color and put them together.) On top of being my least favorite thing to do; they are small stitch areas with only 1-4 stitches, then a huge gap. So, you have to end and start again. I save blends until they are the last thing in that area. Sometimes, I will even move to a new area and skip the blends. What is your least favorite part? Comment below.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Update on Mediterranean Mermaid

This week the kids are all on Spring Break not sure I will be able to get much stitching done but I am going to try. I am really enjoying stitching this one. The skin conversion I am making is turning out wonderful. Here is how far I am now.

Again not the best of pictures. I am going to have to go back to using the big camera the little one just doesn't take the same quality pictures.

Happy post came in. (Well mostly happy) Start with a pattern. Received Green Bike by Alessandra Adelaide. I am going to make two of these for my older twin sisters which are both avid bike riders. I ordered the fabric to go with it last night. One's favorite color is red and the other turquoise. I am thinking of using Kreinik#4 floss for them.

Next is fabric. Remember I ordered online for the first time ever. The pieces from Picture This Plus have arrived. First is Gothic. I am going to stitch Mirabilia Startgazer on it.

The other piece of fabric is still gorgeous fabric; I just don't think it is going to work for what I wanted to stitch on it. It is Monet again by Picture This Plus. I was going to do Mirabilia Red and convert it to purple. The way the dye pattern is I just don't see it looking right.

So, I am going to split the fabric and stitch two Nora Corbett's on it. The Rain Queen and Coral Charms.

These will be my next two projects unless the post comes before I finish Mediterranean Mermaid.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Start on Mirabilia Mediterranean Mermaid

I officially have a start. Mediterranean Mermaid by Mirabilia. The picture isn't the greatest, but here she is.
The fabric is 14 count Zweigart Frenzy. This is the first color conversion I have ever done, and I picked the colors. Hopefully her skin will turn out okay and not all crazy.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Finish Mermaid Undine

Finished Mirabilia's Mermaid Undine earlier this month. She looks amazing with her feathery tail. The fabric is actually a pail blue hand dye color that I could not get to show up with the camera. I have modified her from the original pattern by taking some of her frills that are coming off the 'leg' area. You can find my conversion here.
The long beads were hard to place. They took up more space than the three slots allowed for on the pattern. I tried to center them by going out one stitch each way. This made five spaces for the bead and it really needed about six.

 This week I also got the remaining beads, and thread needed to start Mediterranean mermaid. Have to love a sale at the local cross stitch shop.

For the first time ever I ordered fabric online. Two pieces from Picture This Plus and 4 pieces from Chromatic Alchemy. I have in my mind which pieces I want to cross stitch on them, but have to wait until they come in to see if I change my mind.