About Me

I started cross stitching when I was about 10 years old. I can remember my first one. My mom took me to the store and let me pick out a pattern and fabric. It was a small penguin with a red bow tie on white fabric. She patiently sat and showed me how to do whole stitches, then half stitches, and last back stitching. Soon I was stitching much bigger patterns. At the age of 15 I won the 1995 Harris County Fair Junior Needlecraft Division with Butternut Road 'Catch the Wind'

In 1997 I won the Montgomery County Fair Junior Needlecraft Division with Lavender and Lace 'The Quiltmaker'

And again in 1998 with Lavender and Lace 'Angel of Summer'

Fast forward 18 years, I am happily married to my best friend; going on five years. We have 5, yes I said five, kids. My husband and I are both brought kids into the marriage and we have some together. My days are consumed with up keep of my Etsy shop, four year old not in school yet, cleaning house and running kids to various activities and homes. In my spare time I love to cross stitch and play the occasional World of Warcraft.  I have finished six Mirabilia's and have a goal to do five cross stitching's this year.


  1. I’m looking for the Texas Panorama cross stitch pattern. My mom had one but when I inherited all her patterns, it wasn’t there. Please help me.

    1. I believe this is an OOP pattern, I would recommend keeping an eye on etsy and ebay.

  2. I would like information on the Texas Panorama cross stitch pattern, also. Thank you.

    1. I believe this is an OOP pattern, I would recommend keeping an eye on etsy and ebay.
