Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Heir

Finally The Heir is finished, Terrence Nolan of Dimple Designs, stitched on Jaded Hand Dyed Fabrics by Stephanie.

I was only stitching on this one when our youngest (age 5) did good at swim practice. That was the deal he and I worked out to get him to try at practice. He went from swimming last year to completely forgot what to do in the water this year. I am a happy momma that now he is swimming a 25 yard freestyle and working on learning his other strokes. Now the discussion with him is after framing will I hang it in his bedroom at our new house. I told him I will hang it near his bedroom, but he keeps asking for in his room. One day I am going to end up giving it to him for his own home. That is a long way down the road.

There were a few conversions on this one. I am not going to put it up on the conversion page though. They are fairly easy. First was removal of the seahorses. The pattern calls for 32 count fabric mostly 2 over. I have never stitched that small and always convert to a 16 count with 1 over. Well the seahorses were stitched 1 over on the 32 count. this would make them too large on the 16 count and they wouldn't fit properly or look the right size. Second I removed some bubbles trailing further at the bottom. I just didn't like the way the bubbles got larger again rather than trailing off to smaller. Third backstitch on both their fins I did in a purple Kreinik beading filament. Not sure what color it was in my stash and had lost its label. Lastly, the harder of the conversions was I removed the head piece. Anywhere I came across a color in his hair that was for the 'crown' I just made it a black thread instead.

Waiting on the fabric for my mother in laws Christmas gift to arrive from across the pond still. Everyday that goes by adds more and more stitches to my daily completion count. The pattern is about 56,000 stitches. My dear husband says if I don't finish it in time we can just give it to her for her birthday, but I am a goal finisher. Speaking of goals this is finish number 8 for the year only 2 more to go to meet my goal for the year. Off to work on Queen Mariposa until my fabric arrives. Happy Stitching!

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