Friday, July 22, 2016

Finish Day 8

So far I have been able to keep up with at least 500 stitches a day. Each day you can see the changes. Trying to get ahead before we move. I'm thinking I will be unable to stitch while we are moving, even if it is just across town. This is stopping point for day 8.

Funny thing, I don't have any real photo editing programs. So, I load up the photos every 3-5 days and add the day number to them in paint. I don't really look at the photos very closely and go in the order they loaded from the drive. This time they loaded out of order. I didn't notice until started loading them to the Snow tab that day 6 was really day 8, day 7 was day 6, and day 8 was day 7. Needless to say I had to go back and correct it by making a big white block over my mistakes. Next time I will look more closely before adding the day to them.

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