Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Start Coral Charm by Nora Corbett

Our eleven year old son is a boy scout. From time to time we will schedule a merit badge he wants to take at the museum. While the class is fairly inexpensive, it does take an hour to get down there. The classes are four hours long. Being that we have done several scout classes including tours, what am I to do for four hours while sitting waiting for him. That's right cross stitch. While it wasn't a start I did get quite a bit done with what turned out to be three and a half hours of no interruptions.

Today I took a break from cross stitching and from almost everything else, and made a baby quilt for one of my husbands employees whos wife had a baby girl last month. I know I am so behind, I should of had this done and to them before the baby was born. First, husband didn't tell me one of his employees was expecting a bundle of joy until the week of. Second, his employee has been off and then allowed to work remotely from home to enjoy his baby girl for the first few weeks. Makes me feel not so bad, but still not a good excuse. Need to get a couple of girl and boy ones made up so when someone says oh John or Jane is expecting I can just pull it out. Maybe one day. Here is the one I whipped together today. I did a 'rag' quilt so I didn't have to wait for it to come back from the quilters.

Put a nice boarder around it for a finishing touch.

While I had the sewing machine out I also put binding on one of two quilts that have been waiting for two months now. In need of getting one completed as a gift for a dear friend we will see at the end of May, and the other is for our daughter.

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