Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Snow Finished

Snow by Maxine Gadd (no background) charted by Heaven and Earth Designs. Fabric is by Chromatic Alchemy called Amortentia Opal Aida. Started on July 14 finished November 8. Even though it was a week after my deadline, the frame shop has not gotten a Christmas rush yet. So she will be done before Thanksgiving. Then, I can put her on the wall and enjoy her for a bit before having to wrap her up for my MIL. Was starting to wonder if I was ever going to finish. The wing just kept going and going. So happy with how she turned out.

Never, I repeat NEVER, was your hand dyed fabrics. I spritz mine with water to iron them. This is what happens:

Yes, that is dye on my ironing towel. Excess dye seeped out. Once, I made the mistake of washing hand dyed fabric. I almost had to throw the piece away because the dye got on the stitching. Quick thinking and lots of praying and I was able to work the piece so that it looked like it was supposed to be that way.

Now that she is done and at the frame shop I can clean my house. It is driving me crazy. The dogs keep bringing chunks of dirt in. Then I am going to bring out my Mirabilia UFO, and turn it back into a WIP.
Queen Mariposa

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