Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Almost Done

With only 13 days left, until my November 1 deadline, I have been stitching like crazy to try and finish Snow by Maxine Gadd on time. It is going to be a close one. There are only 4 partial pages left and I have started stitching on all of them. Thought I would do something fun and let the boys pick out what page I do next. Two voted for the page with the least amount on it, and the other two voted for confetti crazy page. Husband made good argument as to why I should do confetti crazy now instead of last so that is what I am currently working on.

Today's stitching is a bonus or makeup day. It was not counted in my available stitching days due to court this morning. Never know if they will call me first or last. Managed to get called before lunch break. Off to stitch on her some more before it is time for the bus. 

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