Thursday, October 27, 2016

Confetti Head Done

Confetti head is finally finished. That took way longer than it was supposed to. Lost my stitching bug for 3 days. Husband new something was wrong. He asked on the third day what was wrong and why hadn't I been stitching. I just kept getting lost and having to frog stitches. Was getting very frustrated and didn't want to do it any more. So, I worked on bobbinating my next project. I so want move on and start my next one and pick up my UFO. Now to finish out the wings and be done.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Almost Done

With only 13 days left, until my November 1 deadline, I have been stitching like crazy to try and finish Snow by Maxine Gadd on time. It is going to be a close one. There are only 4 partial pages left and I have started stitching on all of them. Thought I would do something fun and let the boys pick out what page I do next. Two voted for the page with the least amount on it, and the other two voted for confetti crazy page. Husband made good argument as to why I should do confetti crazy now instead of last so that is what I am currently working on.

Today's stitching is a bonus or makeup day. It was not counted in my available stitching days due to court this morning. Never know if they will call me first or last. Managed to get called before lunch break. Off to stitch on her some more before it is time for the bus. 

Sunday, October 9, 2016

What's next? and Storage System

The need to do math has gotten the better of me. Just had to figure out how many more stitches I had left, and how many hours per day I need to stitch in order to finish on time. Estimation is 16,200 stitches left until completion. Only have 21 days left instead of 22 because I have to go to court one day. Boooo court. My best guesstimation is about 7.75 hours per day. This is great down from the 9 hours per day I guesstimated last week. That means I am probably stitching faster than 100 stitches per hour that I was stitching when I started on Snow. Today I completed the ninth page, almost done with the tenth but my back needed a break, have partials on another five pages and one lone page that I have not touched yet. Darn mathematician brain that needs to do math. That's a lot of numbers in there. Here she is....
Snow by Maxine Gadd charted by HAED
 Already trying to pick out which pattern to do next.
Star Wars II charted by Mystic Stitch

Star Wars 23
The two above my husband and our youngest son would love for me to do.

Glowing Dreams by Selina Fenech charted by HAED

This one I have all the materials and hand dyed fabric for. Worried about how monochromatic it is. I am so tired of stitching grey.

Man of War by Ciro Marchetti charted by HAED

This one I have fabric, but only some of the tread for. This was a RAK generously given to me, so I don't have all the pages printed out. It is very colorful and don't have to worry about it being monochromatic and getting tired of just one or two colors in different shades.

Sacred Hour by Christophe Vacher charted by HAED
Ok, I really want this one on my wall. I absolutely love it. I have all the materials for it, but it is huge and also very monochromatic.
Lets talk about how I store all of my projects in waiting. Depending on what stage of kiting they are at depends on how they are stored. All patterns I have nothing for just sit in a pile of patterns organized by who published the chart. Next level of storage would be if I have purchased fabric for the pattern. Most of these patterns are stored in a gallon sized ziplock bag with the fabric. This makes it easy for me to remember which pattern I purchased what fabric for. For some of them either the pattern is too big or the fabric is too bulky for a ziplock bag. For these I use old salad containers. After my husband is finished eating all the salad I clean the container. Then I print out the design picture and tape it to the top of the box. 
Salad storage box
From here I can start adding thread to the kit as it goes on sale and I can afford it. Finally stage is to add a bobbin box to it.
bobbin box
A completed kit out of its container looks like this. Includes: Pattern, Fabric, Bobbin Box with thread, and bag of duplicate threads need in pattern.

Then they all stack together nicely in my craft closet. Where I hope my husband doesn't really know how may patterns actually have accumulated. Although he has seen them all individually.

How do you store your projects?

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

7 Pages down 8 to go

Woot Woot! Another page finished. That makes 7 pages done, another 5 pages I have worked on, and 3 pages untouched. Hoping to have another page finished by Friday. Starting to feel like I may actually be able to pull this off and finish by November 1. But, not if I sit here at the computer; back to stitching.