Monday, September 26, 2016

Uphill Battle

Even though I said "I am not going to post another picture of Snow until her lower wing is done.", I am posting a picture of her. Going to keep my word and not post it on Facebook. Exclusive picture here only. This is going to be an uphill battle to finish her in time to have her framed for my mother-in-law for Christmas. Still shooting for a November 1 finish, but being realist in knowing that it probably wont happen. The lower wing should have been done last week. My shoulder started hurting and took me out of doing much of anything for 2 days. Then my dear husband had chest pains, so, spent 2 days at the hospital with him. Would have stitched there but light was also bothering him. All this on top of the days I missed for our move has put me way behind schedule. Out of 15 pages only 5 are finished. That means I am only 1/3 of the way done with only 35 days left for my deadline. Back to stitching. Needle can't seem to go fast enough now.
Snow by Maxine Gadd charted by Heaven and Earth Designs

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