Friday, September 4, 2015

Still Working on 'Siren of the Shipwreck'

Kids are back in school; this gives me slightly more time to work on cross stitching. The youngest is only four. He is still at home with me during the day. There is still way less road running than during the summer.

I am a one project at a time cross stitcher. Not sure how people have multiple cross stitch projects going on at one time. I get lost just doing a single one. Currently still working on Siren of the Shipwreck by Nora Corbett. The chandelier is finished and I am working my way across and down her tail.

A closer look at the beadwork on the chandelier.
A closer look at beadwork in her hair.
A closer look at the beadwork in her tail so far.
It is difficult to see the beads in the dark section of her tail.
Hopefully when more is finished to the left it will bring their colors out more.


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