Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Earn Free HAED Chart

Heaven and Earth Designs (HAED) has several ways to earn free charts. Today I am going to touch on one of them. For this way you need to be a part of their facebook group. If you are not already you can join here. Currently HAED is running challenge #4. Each challenge has a set of requirements that must be followed. The first one I did not know, but you had to work in 10X10 squares in a checkerboard pattern. The second one was going on when I joined HAED's facebook page. For it you had to do cross country. Unfortunately I came in at the end of it and didn't have time to participate. The third one was parking. Although I was working on a Heaven and Earth Designs piece at the time it did not have a full clean page for me to participate. Now they are on challenge #4 and I am taking part. the requirements are simple.
• Choose a clean page- Minimum 7300 stitches (must equate to a full page if you are doing an SK, Large Format, etc.), no min number of colors
• Runs January 1st and ends April 7th (midnight PST)
• Post your Email in the Sign up thread
• Take a photo Jan 1st of your blank fabric space and blank chart page(s) (Do not post until finished)
• Take a photo of your work at about the halfway mark (Do not post until finished)
• When you are complete - Post your blank fabric pic, blank chart pic, your halfway pic and finish pic in the Finish thread
• You may use ANY type of technique that you like
• Tenting is allowed
• Participants that complete the challenge will receive a prize chart!

It is that easy. One page with 7300 stitches anyway you want to stitch them. You don't even have to purchase a chart you can use one of their free download charts off the Heaven and Earth Designs website. Catch. Always a catch isn't there. You don't know what chart is the prize. It is a surprise. It has taken a bit but I have moved over to a clean page. All signed up in the correct thread, and I am finally there and ready to start. Here is the piece I am working on:

Glowing Dreams by Selina Fenech

Of course I am doing the no background. This saves months of stitching. While some will not look right with no background when it comes to water, sky, or solid type using a nice hand dyed fabric looks just as good if not better.

This is my starting point for challenge #4
My page will starts to the right of the dark purple.

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