Friday, May 20, 2016

Finished First AAN

It has been just over two weeks since my last post and I was hoping to get my Mum's Christmas gift finished in one. It is taking way longer than I was wanting. The X just had so much confetti. Here is what it looks like as of this morning.

While we were at swim practice last week a puppy found us. It had no owner at the park. So, the kids convinced me to bring it home. We have posted looking for his owner with no luck. Over all he is a good dog. But, one day during the week it was raining. No big deal right. I left the dogs inside while we went to town. Our female knows not to get on my stuff on the bed. She only lays in open spots. Well the new pup did not. And, I left my stitching out so I could just pick it back up when we got back. His muddy paw ended up on my whitish stitching. He also tore up some paperwork I left on the bed. Thank God it was not my original stitching charts. Here is a pick of most of the fabric.
I washed it twice and tried to get everything out. Can you tell there was mud on it?

On Wednesday I dropped by the LNS and they had the thread in I needed to finish Green Bike by Alessandra Adelaide. Only took one day to finish it up. This makes my fourth finish this year. Off to the frame shop this weekend with it.
I really think she is going to love it.

With both of these going on I haven't had much time to work on The Heir. And I wont be able to work on it at least until Monday due to the deal with my youngest son. He did not do what he was supposed to on Tuesday and we wont be able to go back until Monday. So, it must sit and wait. This is how far I have gotten.

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