Lots going on. Start with Green Bike in teal is back from the frame shop. It looks great. My sister is going to love it. Currently I have it displayed on a shelf in my house until Christmas.
Almost completed Green Bike in Red for the other twin. Trying so hard to finish it before I leave for vacation in 9 days. I want to get it to the frame shop before I leave if I can. Then it will be ready about the time I return.
Boy mermaid (The Heir) is still chugging along. The baby is mostly complete. That should complete most of the confetti. So, it should start going faster when I stitch on him.
Lastly is Queen Mariposa, working with limited thread has really held her back. I now have all the DMC threads, it isn't as hard to find a place to stitch. Still need to get the beads and specialty threads.